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Colored Voxel Volume (3D Image)

0 votes
Is there a relatively easy way to get a colored voxel volume of an object in ShapeNetSem? I know there are objs, binvox files, textures, and the screenshots, but I haven't figured out a simple and effective way to convert such data to get w*h*l*3(for channels) matrices  of the data.

The most effective way I could think of is voxel coloring using the turntable position screenshots and binvox files, but I am not so sure how far the camera is from the 3D object, at what angle it is at, and what sort of projection is done. And even I figured out how to get voxel coloring working, doing this on all 6k+ models would also likely be very inefficient.

I was also just trying to project the canonical positions (and ignore occlusions due to concave objects to simplify the problem a bit), but the size of the screenshots don't seem to be relatively similar. For example, for the front screenshot of model width id "2fa5e7c9e378b2589cd62032ff4f127f" is has a width of 15 pixels. From the top screenshot that same dimension has a size of close to 500 pixels.

I also asked this question related to this on Stack Overflow (because I was wondering if there was a way from the 3D geometry (obj + textures) instead of the binvox and screenshot files): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47386509/script-to-convert-3d-objects-that-are-textured-to-colored-voxels
asked Nov 23, 2017 by agga140 (150 points)
edited Nov 23, 2017 by agga140

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
We have recently worked on computing colored voxels for a subset of ShapeNetCore models (at 32, 64, 128, and 256 resolutions).  We plan to release the code for generating the colored voxels (as well as the pre-generated voxels for a subset of ShapeNetCore models) soon.  The code will likely be released in a week or so.
answered Nov 25, 2017 by angelx (720 points)
selected Nov 25, 2017 by agga140
Is the above mentioned code released?